هل تتسامح المجتمعات الريفية أكثر مع الحب من نفس الجنس؟

على الرغم من تعرض افراد مجتمع الميم في العراق الى كل انواع العنف من قبل السلطات السياسية والدينية والمجتمع، وكون العراق واحد من البلدان الخطرة في التعامل مع افراد مجتمع الميم، حيث يحتوي القانون العراقي على الكثير من القوانين الضبابية….

Sex workers…from colonialism to sectarianismAuto Draft

This story begins with the British colonization of Iraq in 1917, specifically in Baghdad, where the colonization identified and built residential buildings in the center of Baghdad and designated them for sex and exploitation of women, specifically in the “Kouk….

Working women in Iraq – the way to work is not safe

It is no secret to anyone that the working Iraqi woman is exposed to many dangers and problems in order to access her work, in addition to all that she suffers like the rest of the Iraqi people from the….

بيان عمال ضد الطائفية 30 تموز 2022

بيان عمال ضد الطائفية 30 تموز 2022 قبل البدء في التحدث عن الصراع السياسي الذي يجري الان في العراق نود ان نؤكد على ان الفوضى المستمرة في العراق لن تنتهي الا بانتهاء نظام المحاصصة الطائفي في العراق الذي جاء بواسطة….

Working women in Iraq (part one): Forced to work without independence

Working women in Iraq and their living and working conditions have received little attention in research, media and politics. Working-class women are often categorized as internally of their their problems. In addition, the interventions of progressive political parties and trade….

Politics with Society – 8 of March / WAS community

During this year, WAS is developing different ways of general left-wing political activism in Iraq, our work is mainly based on political discussions with the community, within residential neighborhoods where there are the people who are most willing to receive….

State Scarfaces 1

“The images you are seeing on television, you are seeing over, and over, and over. And it’s the same picture; of some person walking out of some building with a vase, and you see it twenty times. And you think:….

One year on, Iraq’s revolutionary spirit is still alive

On the anniversary of the 2019 October Revolution, Iraqi protesters show a renewed determination to create their own history and shape their own future. Schluwa Sama This past Sunday, one year after Iraq’s October Revolution started gaining momentum, thousands of….

GER – Trauer, Stolz und eine Geschichte, die noch nicht zu Ende geschrieben ist

BY Schluwa Sama Ein Jahr nach dem Beginn der irakischen Revolution haben sich wieder Aktivist*innen und Protestierende auf dem zentralen Tahrir-Platz in Bagdad versammelt. Viele von ihnen tragen schwarze T-Shirts: «Wir tragen schwarz, um unserer Märtyrer und gefallenen Freunde zu….

The Roots of the October Uprising in Iraq: Against Imperialism, Neoliberalism, and the Sectarian Oligarchy

Jeremy Booth AN INTERVIEW WITH Schluwa Sama Three young Iraqi women peer out from surgical masks and combat helmets. They appear to be in a war zone, perhaps working as medics or reporters. But this is no traditional war zone. These….

Women and the Iraqi Revolution

The unprecedented process of popular unity since “October uprising”, show that Iraqi women and men are healing from decades of war and social fragmentation. By Zahra Ali Since October 2019, Iraq is experiencing a turning point in its history with….

Iraqi women issue appeal for international support

By STEVE SWEENEY IRAQI women have called for urgent international action to deal with growing violence against protesters amid a rise in attacks by armed militias. Today the Iraqi Women’s League condemned the “excessive violence committed by the Iraqi security….