
WAS Interview | Dr. Zainab from Tahrir Hospital

An interview with Dr. Zainab from Tahrir Hospital Dr. Zainab, a pharmacist, and a lecturer at the university. participated in the October uprising, she was helping to heal the Injured. Tahrir Hospital, It is an abandoned place in Al-Rasheed Street….

Our alternative with Ali Zuweid

Ali Zuweid is a political activist and a member of” Al_bait al_ watani ” (The National House)

Our Narrative Campaign #2 Al-Wathba incident

once in 2019, specifically in December, during the October uprising, Iraqi TV channels promoted a very important thing, which is accusing the protesters of killing a kid, hanging his body on a traffic light in Al-Wathba Square in Baghdad near….

Our Narrative Campaign #1 Al-sink massacre

Our narrative about the Sink bridge massacre and the role of the Iranian embassy, this interview conducted with one of the activists who witnessed the incident and the brutal repression of the militias at that night, also this interview shows….

Report – ” The drums of war are beating before the elections ” EN / IT

CHANGE LANGUAGE TO : Two years after the October uprising until this moment everything is not the same as it was, we mean here the political stability.  The climate of the Iraqi political process has changed from compatibility and unstable….

Iraqi Oil Trade Unions and Federations stand in solidarity with Iran’s striking workers

By Ehsan Abadi Two separate oil workers related trade unions and federations from Iraq have expressed solidarity with the ongoing nation-wide workers strike in Iran. On June 28th the Baghdad based General Federation of Trade Unions of Workers in Iraq….

State Scarfaces 1

“The images you are seeing on television, you are seeing over, and over, and over. And it’s the same picture; of some person walking out of some building with a vase, and you see it twenty times. And you think:….

Street life campaign / Workers Conditions in the brick factories in the city of Nahrawan – Baghdad

The Iraqi workers live in disgraceful and inhumane conditions due to the lack of a state, the labour law, and supervisory structures such as labor unions and parties, as well as the infinite capitalist system’s greed to exploit them.Today we….

Street life campaign / The deterioration of service conditions in the absence of the state, Baghdad – Alfadil

Today we are in Baghdad, in one of its old historical neighborhoods, whose construction dates back to the Abbasid era, and it is the Al-Fadl neighborhood. About half a million people live in this neighborhood and live in small houses….

GER – „Das Virus hat nicht die Menschen getötet, sondern die Regierung“ – Proteste im Irak

Seit Oktober 2019 demonstrieren täglich junge Menschen, Erwerbslose, Arbeiter:innen und Student:innen gegen die derzeitige Lage des Iraks: Massenarbeitslosigkeit, wenig Perspektiven, instabile Stromversorgung, schlechtes Gesundheits- und Schulsystem. Doch diese alltäglichen Probleme sind nicht im luftleeren Raum entstanden. Nach der US-Invasion 2003….

Iraq’s Baath Party archive location unknown

The United States last month shipped a historic archive of Baath regime documents to Iraq, but the government is keeping mum about its location and fate, given the political sensitivity of the documents. Omar al-Jaffal The government of Iraqi Prime….