Satan is still working hard

Satan is still working hardSuppressive military forces pursue and terrorize peaceful demonstrators in residential neighborhoods in Babylon. was

Big demonstrations broke out today in respon to the assassination of the father of Ali Jaseb

In response to the last night assassinationof the father Ali Jaseb, big demonstrations broke out today in all cities of Iraq againstMustafa Al-Kazemi and his policy of “ignoring the security situation” and to hold him the responsibility for not prosecuting….

The assassination of the father of the kidnapped activist Ali Jaseb

The Islamic militias not only kidnapped and killed the activist in the October uprising, the lawyer Ali Jaseb, but today assassinated his father, because he never stopped claiming the right of his son and prosecuting the criminal militias.. WAS 💔

A verbal altercation between the Turkish and Iranian ambassador about the Iraqi borders

A verbal altercation between the Turkish and Iranian ambassador about the Iraqi borders The Iranian ambassador, Irij Masjedi, stated: Turkey must leave Iraqi lands immediately.On the same daythe Turkish ambassador replied: You are the last one who can give advice….

Corona virus cases have increased in Iraq to 2500 cases per day

Coronavirus cases have increased in Iraq to 2500 cases per day, and the Iraqi government has no solutions other than imposing a curfew that harms the limited-income workers and the poor people.. WAS

Today, informal workers in the Ministry of Electricity decided to sit in front of the Green Gate.

Today, informal workers in the Ministry of Electricity decided to sit in front of the Green Gate. In order to demand recognition of them as official workers and take their legal rights such as: fair wages, health and social security,….

We feel sad to inform you that the cases of political assassination in Iraq are increasing every day.

We feel sad to inform you that the cases of political assassination in Iraq are increasing every day.This month, more than five influential people in Iraqi society were assassinated, for various reasons related to their political positions rejecting the regime….

The second version of ISIS (the Sadrist Shiite militia movement)

Terrifying night The second version of ISIS (the Sadrist Shiite militia movement). The militia of the extremist Sadrist movement, affiliated with the cleric Moqtada Al-Sadr, held a military parade yesterday in Baghdad, Najaf and Karbala, under the pretext of a….

Statement from Iraqi counter-terrorism service! (Anti-terrorism unit)

Statement from Iraqi counter-terrorism service! (Anti-terrorism unit “We show our Iraqi people the image of the dead terrorist Jabbar Salman Ali, nicknamed “Abu Yasser”, who is the governor of Iraq and the alleged vice caliph of ISIS organization, and who….

Bloody morning in Baghdad city two explosions rocked a popular market in middle of Baghdad

Note: sensitive content! Bloody morning in Baghdad citytwo explosions rocked a popular market in middle of Baghdad, The Parliamentary Security Committee said in a statement today (January 21, 2021) that “the Bab Al-Sharqi explosion was made by dormant terrorist cells….

Protests turn violent in Iraqi Kurdistan

Iraqi Kurdistan (IK) citizens continue their demonstrations against injustice and corruption. The citizens of Iraqi Kurdistan are angry at the authorities and political parties of the region due to the delay and/or lack of giving salaries, unemployment, and lack of….

Now demonstrations are taking place in Wasit, southern Iraq, and the security forces are running over people!

Now demonstrations are taking place in Wasit, southern Iraq, and the security forces are running over people!. WAS