GENERAL | OUR INTERVIEWS | Our Narrative Campaign

The loss of agricultural identity has caused many problems, the most important of which are: unemployment, pollution, and certainly poverty as a result. This also caused farmers to be unable to practice another profession because most of the population comes from historically peasant families. Also the entry of imported food products in large quantities, which contain and still contain many chemicals that are harmful to human health.

The neighborhood has also lost its agricultural culture in the sense of simplicity of life, devoid of the complexities and social problems of large cities. As a result, we witnessed the rise of conservative and tribal thought in the residential neighborhood, and the rise of sectarianism. Peasant women have become confined to the house after they used to go to work on the agricultural land every day, and this increased the conservative ideas within the residential neighborhood after the natural thing, such as women’s work, turned into something shameful.

All of these conditions that the neighborhood suffers from are conditions that contribute to the reproduction of the sectarian system every year. Due to the absence of non-sectarian political communication among the neighborhood’s residents, this contributed to their participation in this sectarian system that destroyed our neighborhood without us realizing it.

We are now trying to build a project within the residential neighborhood whose goal is to communicate between the neighborhood’s residents through meetings within the neighborhood organized periodically in which we explain, in cooperation with the residents, how all this happened.

For example:

– How do we create our own narrative regarding the neighborhood away from sectarian narratives?

– How do we help the community return to practicing agriculture? How do we understand the reasons for the inability to practice agriculture now?

– How do we push the community towards adopting the issue of organic agriculture to get rid of chemical foodstuffs that enter the residential neighborhood?

– How can we clarify the relationship to the residents between the current bad conditions we live in within the residential neighborhood and the primary cause of it, which is the sectarian system?

– How can we support peasant women to return to practicing the agricultural profession again and challenge conservative ideas within the residential neighborhood?

– How can we encourage rooftop agriculture as an alternative to the agricultural land that the neighborhood lost, as you saw in the pictures?

– How can we give non-sectarian political analyzes of the imported, hybrid and inorganic foods that have invaded the markets within the residential neighborhood and caused many diseases?

– How do we help society become independent from political parties, intellectually or politically, through these periodic meetings that create a healthy atmosphere free of sectarian thinking and sectarian analysis tools?

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