
Waad Najm Abdullah, one of the Iraqi youth who demonstrated on 10/25 in Tahrir Square.
Waad is an orphan young man who lives in a small apartment in al- Mansour neighborhood. His love for his homeland pushed him to demonstrate and raise his voice against injustice. He worked in the morning then went out at night to support the protesters who sit_in in Tahrir Square, but on 12/4/2019 he was shot in the back by riot police, The eighth vertebra was broken and the spinal cord was severely damaged, he was taken to the Medical City Hospital.

After spending a night in the hospital, a call was made to his uncle (Hamza), who lives in Karbala, day after the call, his uncle arrived in Baghdad and transferred him to Ghazi Hariri Hospital, 11th floor, of the Neurological Department, which is the worst place for treatment.
Waad needs surgery to clean the spinal canal and remove the bullet, but they were satisfied with giving him painkillers and analgesic needles to lose consciousness. On top of that, the doctor who treated him had traveled, leaving Waad with his pain and suffering.
Therefore, his uncle transferred him to Zain al-Abidin Hospital, after several analyzes it was found that he suffers from meninges due to bullet dirtiness, after which he underwent an operation to fix the vertebrae.

Waad is still alive but paralyzed!
As a result, Waad appealed to Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi
The latter assigned his advisors, Hisham Daoud, and Raed Jouhi, to resolve the matter in 10 days, either a travel at the expense of the state or a treatment grant of150,000 dollars, so far Waad has not received any contact with this matter. He tried a lot to reach them, but none of them responded.

The October uprising left more than 800 martyrs, 24 thousand wounded (according to official statistics). These demonstrators are in poor condition and the cost of their treatment is very high. The government doesn’t care about their condition, treatment or assistance, they are still being pursued, some of them are in Turkey others are in Kurdistan.
Waad, like other wounded young men, is still trying to contact Al-Kazemi who promised to help him as we can see in this video or his advisors, but no one is responding to them.