War and sanctions have left behind a devastated health care system. By David Bacon Many US union activists remember Falah Alwan. As the occupation of Iraq unfolded in the summer of 2005, he and several Iraqi union leaders traveled here to….
Sami Adnan An Iraqi revolutionary talks about the current uprising in Iraq, its political history, and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since October of 2019 a massive revolutionary movement has occupied public squares all over Iraq. Rising alongside….
The coronavirus is above all a fight against the corrupt state and the social inequalities produced by it. Maurizio Coppola While the Iraqi government imposes a curfew and some cities close schools, universities and malls to limit the spread of….
express Im Oktober 2019 brachen im gesamten Irak Aufstände aus, die bis heute ohne Unterbrechung andauern und in denen Säkularisierung und bessere Lebens- und Arbeitsverhältnisse gefordert werden. Bisher reagierte die Regierung mit gewaltsamer Repression,der bereits mehr als 600 Menschen zum….
Von Maurizio Coppola Die irakische Regierung verhängt die Ausgangssperre und schließt Schulen, Universitäten und Einkaufszentren. Gleichzeitig werden die Lebensbedingungen aufgrund des mangelnden sozialen und gesundheitlichen Schutzes immer prekärer. Wie steht es um den Tahrir-Platz als Ort des sozialen Widerstands? Auch hinsichtlich….
Sami Adnan von der Gruppe Workers Against Sectarianism über die Proteste auf dem Tahrir-Platz in Bagdad Interview: Lilli Helmbold, Hans Stephan und Thomas Waimer Anfang Oktober 2019 brachen im Irak Aufstände aus, die bis heute andauern. (ak 653) Die Regierung….
Main events concerning the uprisings for the week 8th–16th January. On January 10th, millions of people went out across squares and streets in Iraq to state their right to demonstrate freely and express their free voices, reclaiming the values and….
CODEPINK’s Enas AlSaffadi recently interviewed Ali Al Timimy, a doctor and protestor, and Sami Adnan, a leftist political activist and the founder of the Workers Against Sectarianism movement, who has been working in the field since 2010. Both discussed the….
Main events concerning the uprisings for the week 1st–7th January. The killing of Soleimani is a new turn that revealed a lot about the true face of the Iraqi government and created tension and division in the region. It has….
Main events concerning the uprisings for the week 23rd-31st December Part of Saleh’s document to Parliament, which states the formal apology for nominating Al-Aidani and put the option to resign in the hands of Parliament. Adoption of a new election….
Main events concerning the uprisings for the week 15th-22nd December Throughout December, kidnappings and killings continued in various forms including deaths by the use of bullets and bombs, clear signs of the manslaughter the Iraqi government is committing against its….
Main events and news concerning the uprisings for the week 8th –15th December Repression, kidnapping, torture, killing and intimidation of activists in demonstrations. update on Sunday 8/12/2019 at 9:00 p.m. 1- School and university students in Basra, Muthanna, Al-Diwaniya, Maysan….