AUTORIN Schluwa Sama Vier Jahre nach dem Ende der Besatzung der nordirakischen Stadt Mosul durch Daesch (arabisch: abwertende Bezeichnung für den IS) von 2014 bis 2017 hat sich ein mutiger ziviler Aktivismus im Kontext eines korrupten, autoritären Staatsapparats einerseits und….
Bedroht von pro-iranischen Milizen, versuchen Aktivist:innen im Irak, die Revolution vom Oktober 2019 fortzusetzen. Von Schluwa Sama. Ihab al-Wazni war ein Aktivist der irakischen Oktoberrevolution von 2019 aus Kerbala. Er hatte dazu aufgerufen, am 25. Mai 2021 in der irakischen….
By Ehsan Abadi Two separate oil workers related trade unions and federations from Iraq have expressed solidarity with the ongoing nation-wide workers strike in Iran. On June 28th the Baghdad based General Federation of Trade Unions of Workers in Iraq….
“The images you are seeing on television, you are seeing over, and over, and over. And it’s the same picture; of some person walking out of some building with a vase, and you see it twenty times. And you think:….
Written on Sunday, May 17, 2021 The series of assassination has not stopped since one of October 2019 until now, the last of which is the assassination of the martyr Ihab Al-Wazni, also because of the neglect and procrastination continues….
On the anniversary of the 2019 October Revolution, Iraqi protesters show a renewed determination to create their own history and shape their own future. Schluwa Sama This past Sunday, one year after Iraq’s October Revolution started gaining momentum, thousands of….
BY Schluwa Sama Ein Jahr nach dem Beginn der irakischen Revolution haben sich wieder Aktivist*innen und Protestierende auf dem zentralen Tahrir-Platz in Bagdad versammelt. Viele von ihnen tragen schwarze T-Shirts: «Wir tragen schwarz, um unserer Märtyrer und gefallenen Freunde zu….
Over the past year, anti-government protests have provided queer Iraqis with an opportunity to find their place in a largely conservative society By Sanar Hasan “Most of my friends in the protests are gay, but no one reveals their sexual identity,” said….
Activists and analysts say year-long campaign has had huge social – if little political – impact on Iraq By Alex MacDonald In the year since Iraqis took to the streets en masse to protest against unemployment, corruption, foreign interference and a….
Iraq’s October uprising was a wake-up call for desperate generations caught in an endless cycle of poverty, marginalization and injustice. How does the struggle continue today? Nabil Salih “Iwish to give my life for Iraq and become a martyr,” he….
By Louisa Loveluck, Missy Ryan and John Hudson BEIRUT — The United States has told the Iraqi government and its diplomatic partners that it’s planning a full withdrawal from its embassy in Baghdad unless Iraq reins in attacks on personnel linked to the American….
The United States last month shipped a historic archive of Baath regime documents to Iraq, but the government is keeping mum about its location and fate, given the political sensitivity of the documents. Omar al-Jaffal The government of Iraqi Prime….