As a group of young people, we have gathered from 2019 for the struggle over social justice in Tahrir Square.
Then, we participated in the uprising of the October Revolution and our number and activities increased during the revolution.
We conduct monthly meetings to educate ourselves, share our ideas and information with other movements.

Our most important goals are to spread the voice of the working class
and its political struggle to the world and people outside of Iraq.
In our reports, articles and interviews,
we criticize the sectarian system in Iraq and highlight the struggle
of the working class against sectarianism.
We believe that the working class is the main driver of the current revolution , We participate in the protest, sit-ins We support progressive ideas and participate with all progressive movements and their activities and provide them with logistical and media support and others
Also, we hold awareness circles in the working-class neighborhoods in order to share information and ideas between us and the workers familes . At the same time, we campaign for activists who are subjected to violence by the authorities.
Who is the working class for us?
We consider the working class in its totality that includes working class culture, morals, social ways of being and living. It is not to be reduced to the act of working itself. thus not in a literal sense of a person who is simply working.
This means that the working class are the poor families who live in the impoverished neighborhoods of Iraq’s cities. Their suffering is historical, from Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship to the US occupation and today’s sectarian system that has divided workers during the civil war
Therefore, we consider that the unemployed are workers and we consider that precarious workers as workers too.
These two groups constitute a large part of the workers in Iraq
in addition to students and farmers.
Why are we writing in English ?
Why are we targeting the world outside of Iraq ?
Iraq is isolated from the world. This means that also the struggle of the working class is isolated from the world.
There is little knowledge on working class conditions in Iraq.
We want to give an alternative to the dominant portrayal by Iraqi authorities.
Our goal is therefore to deliver not only the voice of the workers,
but highlight the different social groups contributions to the Iraqi revolution from the struggle
of Iraqi women to the struggle of Iraqi youth who all demand a life in dignity and justice.